Our yard management solutions streamline operations, minimize delays, and maximize revenue generation and vehicle delivery
Vayan’s Yard Management offering ensures that conforming
products can ship faster and more cost effectively through efficient
end-of-line inventory management and quality assurance. With a
Final Vehicle Quality check, Vayan identifies vehicles with quality
issues and holds. We then organize vehicle locations and use GPS to
track and remediate vehicles within the Yard.
Focused on helping our OEMs to increase vehicle flow, increase production, increase profit, we enable plants to get paid faster by shipping faster. Yard Management increases revenue velocity and recognition.
Focused on helping our OEMs to increase vehicle flow, increase production, increase profit, we enable plants to get paid faster by shipping faster. Yard Management increases revenue velocity and recognition.
Repair Type Prioritization
Our team combines our yard management services with vehicle repair capability, and we are able to support OEMs in repair management and prioritization, workflow optimization, and prioritizing repair types to designated locations.

Vehicle Electrical Diagnosis Support
We provide crucial support in establishing vehicle electrical diagnosis processes, helping determine defects and required repairs through ASE certified Level 3 Electrical technicians.
Technology and Data-Driven Operations
We leverage tablet technology to manage parking locations, GPS tracking, and float management. Our data and analytics provide valuable insights to Operations and Quality teams. We have built in app technology that creates visibility for repair throughput, float and defect root causes, trends, paretos, and shipping efficiency.

Vayan Moves
Vayan Moves
Quality Forward
We raise the standards of quality with cutting-edge technology, world-class processes, and accountable people. It's why our customers consider us their most trusted partner.
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Propelled by
Propelled by
Our innovative technology provides quality intelligence and actionable insights that allow you to solve and anticipate your challenges today and navigate the questions of tomorrow.
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